
Doctor or Hospital, Is a distinguished Worked and place in the world. Safe a lot of life, with the Spirit of Humanity. In a Year, you worked as much as 8760 Hour, 48 Week and 12 Month to served people, from Morning to Morning again. This blog was created as a place to share and Makes Friend for all of us. Keep your Good Job Doctor.

Safety First

1 Life MORE IMPORTANT than $ 1.000.000 Poor, Rich, White, Black, Good guy or Bad Guy, Still a Human. One Life from a poor person = Life from a rich person. Status is only an Atribute in this World. But the Most important, Who are they, Where are they Come from, WE ARE SAME. "HUMAN"

Are You Pregnant and Depressed ?

Many women become depressed while they are pregnant, or shortly after the baby is born.

The U.S. National Women's Health Information Center says these factors increase the likelihood of developing depression during or after pregnancy:

* Having been depressed or had another mental illness prior to pregnancy.
* Having a family history of depression or other mental illness.
* Getting inadequate support from loved ones.
* Feeling anxious or negative about being pregnant.
* Having had problems with a prior pregnancy.
* Dealing with financial or marital problems, or other major life stresses.
* Being pregnant at a young age.
* Abusing drugs or alcohol.


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