
Doctor or Hospital, Is a distinguished Worked and place in the world. Safe a lot of life, with the Spirit of Humanity. In a Year, you worked as much as 8760 Hour, 48 Week and 12 Month to served people, from Morning to Morning again. This blog was created as a place to share and Makes Friend for all of us. Keep your Good Job Doctor.

Safety First

1 Life MORE IMPORTANT than $ 1.000.000 Poor, Rich, White, Black, Good guy or Bad Guy, Still a Human. One Life from a poor person = Life from a rich person. Status is only an Atribute in this World. But the Most important, Who are they, Where are they Come from, WE ARE SAME. "HUMAN"

Should You Take Vitamins ?

In the perfect world, everyone would get the nutrients they need by eating a well-balanced, healthy diet. But because many people have poor/finicky eating habits, allergies and medical conditions, that’s not always the case. Here’s my opinion on supplements for the general healthy population.


I do think most people will benefit from a basic multivitamin – one that provides about 100 percent of the Daily Value for a number of vitamins and minerals – especially Vitamin D (very important vitamin that people just don’t get enough of). Coupled with a stellar diet - one that includes antioxidant rich vegetables, fruit, whole grains and lean proteins - a MVI can simply fill in any potential nutrient gaps. Think of it as an “insurance policy.”If you decide to take a multivitamin, make sure it’s appropriate for your age and gender:

1. Peri-menopausal women who are losing monthly blood through menstruation should take a MVI with Iron.
2. All men and women over 50 should take a MVI without Iron.

Calcium with Vitamin D

Many foods provide the calcium we need; reduced fat dairy foods, calcium-fortified foods, broccoli, kale and beans are among the best bets. However, additional calcium supplements are sometimes important for women who don’t get enough from food.

The amount women need is between 1000-1200 mgs each day. So consider how much you’re getting through food and work backwards. For women who are candidates, consider taking 1000-1200 mgs – in two separate doses (that’s because you can only really absorb about 500-600 mg at one time).

Your calcium supplement should have added Vitamin D3 (Vitamin D enables the absorption of calcium so it can do its job. And “Vitamin D3” is the most bioactive form). Speak with a registered dietitian or your pharmacist if you get confused.

Omega-3 Fish Oils

I’m also a fan of "omega-3 fish oil supplements" because they’re so good for overall heart health (plus brain health, depression and arthritis). First and foremost, aim for two 4 ounce servings of fatty fish per week – hands down, low-mercury fish is your best source (i.e., wild salmon, sardines, Atlantic mackerel, anchovies, and pacific oysters).

You can also get omega 3 fats from ground flaxseeds, walnuts, canola oil and omega 3 eggs…. although significantly less when compared to fish. If you don’t regularly eat omega-3-rich fish - like salmon and sardines – and you’re not willing to add ground flax and walnuts to your daily diet, you may want to consider a supplement.

Three brands I recommend include Vital Oils 1000mg (to order call; 800-770-4360 or visit www.VitalRemedyMD.com), Kirkland Signature and Nordic Naturals Ultimate.

Supplement Safety

How can you ensure your supplements are safe? Your best bets are to buy products that display the “USP verified” logo on the label; it means the supplement has been tested and verified for:

1) Content claims (it has what it says it has)
2) Absorbability in the body


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