
Doctor or Hospital, Is a distinguished Worked and place in the world. Safe a lot of life, with the Spirit of Humanity. In a Year, you worked as much as 8760 Hour, 48 Week and 12 Month to served people, from Morning to Morning again. This blog was created as a place to share and Makes Friend for all of us. Keep your Good Job Doctor.

Safety First

1 Life MORE IMPORTANT than $ 1.000.000 Poor, Rich, White, Black, Good guy or Bad Guy, Still a Human. One Life from a poor person = Life from a rich person. Status is only an Atribute in this World. But the Most important, Who are they, Where are they Come from, WE ARE SAME. "HUMAN"

Can You Stop to Smoke ?

I'm sure, Many people in the world HAS TO ASK THIS QUESTION.

And also soo many people feel confuse and have an obstruction about this habit.

If you smoke, you probably worry about what it's doing to your health. You probably worry too about how hard it will be to quit smoking. Nicotine is highly addictive and to quit smoking, especially without help, can be very difficult.

In fact, most people fail the first time they try to quit smoking. But just because you fail once or more than once, doesn't mean you can't succeed or that you shouldn't try again.

First step: Decide to quit smoking and set a stop date, and then take advantage of the multitude of resources available to help you successfully quit smoking.

Second Step: You know chewing gum? Stop your THAT bad habit with consume chewing gum.

Third Step: Stay away from the Smoker.

Fourth Step: Say No to Smoking.

- Goodluck -


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