
Doctor or Hospital, Is a distinguished Worked and place in the world. Safe a lot of life, with the Spirit of Humanity. In a Year, you worked as much as 8760 Hour, 48 Week and 12 Month to served people, from Morning to Morning again. This blog was created as a place to share and Makes Friend for all of us. Keep your Good Job Doctor.

Safety First

1 Life MORE IMPORTANT than $ 1.000.000 Poor, Rich, White, Black, Good guy or Bad Guy, Still a Human. One Life from a poor person = Life from a rich person. Status is only an Atribute in this World. But the Most important, Who are they, Where are they Come from, WE ARE SAME. "HUMAN"

Magic Number That Keeps Weight Off

Lost a little weight recently? Here’s the magic number you need to know to keep it off: 275.

That’s how many extra minutes of exercise per week a study group needed in order to maintain a 10 percent loss in body weight for 2 years. Grab an extra 40-minute walk every day and you’re covered.

More Is More
Unfortunately, when people lose weight, almost half of them tend to regain it within 6 months. But you don’t have to be part of that statistic. Just a little extra physical activity could keep you enjoying your new size indefinitely. But that means more than the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity a day needed to prevent disease. Researchers estimate that most people need 60 to 90 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week -- in addition to eating right -- to keep lost pounds off. Start today. Stay lean. Stay strong. Create your own 20-minute workout.

More Ways to Get Slim
Here are a few more tools for taking off extra pounds:

* Find out why you eat so much

* Get support on your journey

* Motivate yourself by setting a goal and tracking your progress.


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