
Doctor or Hospital, Is a distinguished Worked and place in the world. Safe a lot of life, with the Spirit of Humanity. In a Year, you worked as much as 8760 Hour, 48 Week and 12 Month to served people, from Morning to Morning again. This blog was created as a place to share and Makes Friend for all of us. Keep your Good Job Doctor.

Safety First

1 Life MORE IMPORTANT than $ 1.000.000 Poor, Rich, White, Black, Good guy or Bad Guy, Still a Human. One Life from a poor person = Life from a rich person. Status is only an Atribute in this World. But the Most important, Who are they, Where are they Come from, WE ARE SAME. "HUMAN"

Tuna and Eggs Keep Your Brain Big

As if wrinkles weren’t bad enough, turns out our brains tend to shrivel as we age, too. Could eggs and tuna be the key to less shrinkage?

Research makes it seem so. Why? Because both tuna and eggs are good sources of vitamin B12. And B12 may help keep brain atrophy in check.

How Low Is Low?
In a 5-year study, people in their 60s and beyond who were low -- but not deficient -- on B12 were three to six times more likely to have brain atrophy than did people on the higher end of the normal B12 range. So being even a little low may be bad. Make sure you’re getting enough by taking a supplement or eating B12-rich foods -- like eggs and tuna.

Why Bigger Is Better
Brain shrinkage is commonly seen in people with Alzheimer’s disease, and more and more research points to a connection between cognitive function and B12 levels. So that may explain the connection with brain shrinkage. B vitamins may help ward off stroke, too.

Want to give your brain a workout? Boost your verbal dexterity with a word game that involves speed, strategy, and vocabulary.


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